Problem 95

completed January 21, 2012


I used the same strategy as I used for Problem 179 in finding the number of factors of a number. I used a set to eliminate the numbers that I’d already dug through. This sped things up a bit. I also threw out any string of amicables where the next number was less than the first one.


ans = [0,0]
nset = set(range(10**6+1))

def nextam(n):
	fact = [1]
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5)+1):
		if n%i == 0:
			if n/i != i:
	return sum(fact)

while len(nset) > 0:
	number = nset.pop()
	n = number
	if n%10**4 == 0: print n, len(nset), ans[0]
	amlist = [n]
	done = False
	count = 0
	while done == False:
		next = nextam(n)
		count += 1
		if next > 10**6 or count > 10**3 or next < number:
		elif next == number:
			done = True
		n = next	
	if done == True:
		nset -= set(amlist)
		if count > ans[0]:
			ans = [count, number]

print ans