Problem 94

completed January 24, 2012


I first tried this problem by going through every value possible for the sides of the triangle. But for some reason, it just never gave me the correct answer.

In this version, I generate the set of (mostly) primitive Pythagorean triples, then test to see which fulfill the requirements. This strategy worked great.


from fractions import *

bound = 10**9
tested = set()
total = 0

for n in xrange(1, bound):
	if n%100 == 0: print n, total
	for m in xrange(n+1, bound):
		a = (m**2 - n**2)
		b = (2*m*n)
		c = (m**2 + n**2)
		if c > 350*10**6: break
		if (2*a == c+1) and ((c+1, c+1, 2*a) not in tested) and ((2*(c+1) + 2*a) <= bound):
			tested.add((c+1, c+1, 2*a))
			total += (2*(c+1) + 2*a)
		if (2*a == c-1) and ((c-1, c-1, 2*a) not in tested) and ((2*(c-1) + 2*a) <= bound):
			tested.add((c-1, c-1, 2*a))
			total += (2*(c-1) + 2*a)
		if (2*b == c+1) and ((c+1, c+1, 2*b) not in tested) and ((2*(c+1) + 2*b) <= bound):
			tested.add((c+1, c+1, 2*b))
			total += (2*(c+1) + 2*b)
		if (2*b == c-1) and ((c-1, c-1, 2*b) not in tested) and ((2*(c-1) + 2*b) <= bound):
			tested.add((c-1, c-1, 2*b))
			total += (2*(c-1) + 2*b)
print total