There were a couple of problems with this one that I needed to overcome. I wrote a good code that ran really fast, yet over and over came up with the same wrong answer. I think realized that it was because I was counting some numbers multiple times. Once I finally figured out the issue, I then came across the need to optimize the process. I was using a list before, but through digging around on the Python site I thought of using sets instead because they have good union, intersection, etc functions. Making that switch worked really well. This script ran in under 4 seconds.
def isprime(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5 + 1)):
if n%i == 0: return False
return True
primes = []
n = 1
while n**2 < 5*10**7:
n += 1
if isprime(n) == True:
belowset = set()
for square in primes:
if square**2 > 5*10**7:
for cube in primes:
if cube**3 > 5*10**7:
for tesseract in primes:
if tesseract**4 > 5*10**7:
below = square**2 + cube**3 + tesseract**4
if below < 5*10**7:
belowset |= {below}
print len(belowset)