Problem 78

completed February 19, 2012


The first time through this problem I was using a recursive algorithm that required both n and k. Filling these into a dictionary used up way too much memory as well as giving a recursive depth error.

I then found a second algorithm that, though still using k, used it as part of a sigma summation. This meant that it could be part of a for loop.

With this change, the script gave the correct answer. However, it took just under an hour to do so. Upon reading other people’s answers in the forum, I realized I could break out of the for loop when one of the values dips below zero. That got me the answer in less than a minute.

The code below is my origion one that took an hour to complete.


from time import time
start = time()

Pdict = dict()
Pdict[0] = 1
Pdict[-1] = 0

def testP():
	assert P(1) == 1
	assert P(2) == 2
	assert P(3) == 3
	assert P(4) == 5
	assert P(5) == 7
	assert P(6) == 11
	assert P(7) == 15
	assert P(8) == 22
#	assert P(100) == 190569292

def P(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n < 0:
		return 0
	elif n in Pdict:
		return Pdict[n]
	sum = 0
	for k in range(1, n+1):
		key1 = max(n-.5*k*(3*k-1), -1)
		key2 = max(n-.5*k*(3*k+1), -1)
		sum += (-1)**(k+1)*(Pdict[key1]+Pdict[key2])
	Pdict[n] = int(sum)
	return Pdict[n]


n = 1
while True:
	n += 1
	Part = P(n)
	if Part%10**6 == 0:
		print n
	elif n%1000 == 0:
		end = time()
		print '		', n, end-start
		start = end