Problem 77

completed January 28, 2012


This was the most inefficient way of tackling this problem I’m sure. Please don’t judge me. I wish I could figure out problem 76, because that would have helped immensely in solving this one.


from itertools import *

def isprime(n):
	if n == 2:
		return True
	elif n < 2 or n%2 == 0:
		return False
		for i in range(3, int(n**0.5 + 1), 2):
			if n%i == 0: return False
		return True

def primesbelow(h):
	answer = [2]
	for n in range(3, h, 2):
		if isprime(n) == True:
	return answer

upper = 1000

while True:
	countDict = dict(zip(range(upper+1), [0]*(upper+1)))
	humbug = False
	for length in range(2, upper/2 + 1):
		print length
		for test in combinations_with_replacement(primesbelow(upper - 2*(length-1)), length):
			sumT = sum(list(test))
			if sumT <= upper:
				countDict[sumT] += 1
				if countDict[sumT] > 5000 and sumT < upper:
					print sumT, countDict[sumT]
					upper = sumT
					humbug = True
		if humbug == True:
	if humbug == False:

print countDict