Problem 76

completed January 31, 2012

Try One


I’m enjoying working on this problem. There is definitely a pattern to it that I really want to find. I started with the brute force method, but that would take way too long to find the answer. Plus, I really want to challenge myself to find the optimal solution.


from itertools import *
count = 0

for length in range(2, 101):
	print length
	for nums in combinations_with_replacement(range(1, 101), length):
		s = sum(nums)
		if s == 100:
			count += 1

print count

Try Two


After putting this problem away for a long time, I came back to it with determination and a new strategy.

This problem was very difficult for me for some reason. It’s one of those that is very intuitive, and could be done easily enough by hand; but teaching a computer to go through this complicated thought process is quite tough.

I made (for the first time!) a generator function that gives the next list, with the given sum, of that same length. I used a lot of loops and whiles and breaks to get it to work. But it finally did.

This little bit of code will be super helpful for future problems!


total = 100

def plus_one(l):
	global total
	n = 2
	while True:
		if l[0] < l[1] + 2:
			save = l
			rep = True
			while rep == True:
					while True:
						if l[n] + 1 <= l[n-1]:
							n += 1
				l[n] += 1
				l[1:n] = [l[n]]*len(l[1:n])
				l[0] = total - sum(l[1:])
				if l[0] < l[1]:
					l = save
					rep = False
					yield l
			l[1] += 1
			l[0] -= 1
			n = 2
			yield l

count = 0
for length in range(2, total+1):
	build = [0]*length
	build[1:] = [1]*(length-1)
	build[0] = total - sum(build)
	print build
	count += 1
	for l in plus_one(build):
		count += 1

print count