Problem 73

completed January 7, 2012


I feel bad about this one because I knew I needed a greatest common denominator function, but I didn’t have one that I felt was optimal. So I pulled one that I found in the forums and just used that. I mean, I suppose that’s okay, but I still feel bad because I didn’t come up with it all by myself. Either way, it got the job done.


from time import time
start = time(); end = time()
r = []

def gcd(a, b):
  while b != 0:
    a, b = b, a % b
  return abs(a)

def isreduced(x, y):
	for i in range(2, x+1):
		if x%i == y%i == 0:
			return False
	return True

def reduce(x, y, r):
	x = int(x)
	y = int(y)
	if (x, y) not in r:
		return True
		for i in range(2, int(12000/y)+2):
			r.append((x*i, y*i))
		return False

def divide(x, y):
	x = int(x)
	y = int(y)
	z = []
	while len(z) < 10:
		if (x / y) >= 1:
			z.append(x / y)
			x = x%y * 10
			x = x*10
	return int(''.join(map(str, z[1:])))

half = float(1) / float(2)
third = float(1) / float(3)
count = 0

for d in range(2, 12000+1):
	if d%1000 == 0: 
		end, start = time() - start, time()
		print d, end
	for n in range(1, d):
		if gcd(n, d) == 1:
			nd = float(n) / float(d)
			if (third < nd) and (nd < half):
				count += 1

print count