Problem 700

completed September 30, 2020


So, this one said that it was like 5% difficulty, meaning it was the easiest level, but I still just did it mostly brute force and couldn’t figure out for the life of me how to make it faster. I found part of the pattern in the numbers, that either every 503 or 506th addition, the pattern changes just a bit. If there’s going to be a new Eulercoin, it’s going to be after that happens. Additionally, I found that sometimes the distance between Eulercoins was consistent, so I accounted for that. It still took over 20hrs of runtime to get the final answer. And then still I guessed on the last few Eulercoins.

Reading the forums afterward was both helpful and disappointing. It makes me feel like I could have done better in finding the true pattern. But it’s a learning opportunity for next time.


class Problem
  class << self
    def solve(coin_count: Float::INFINITY)
      birthday = 1_504_170_715_041_707  # prime factors: [17, 1249, 12043, 5882353]
      modulo   = 4_503_599_627_370_517  # is prime (but not mersenne) 2 ** 52 + 21

      one_down        = birthday - modulo
      one_up_one_down = birthday + one_down
      two_up_one_down = birthday + one_up_one_down
      five_hundred    = (166 * two_up_one_down) + (2 * birthday)

      sum = 0
      min = modulo
      number = 0
      coins = 0
      cnt = 0
      prev_cnt = 0

      # first coin
      cnt += 1
      number += birthday
      sum += number
      coins += 1
      return sum if coin_count == 1

      # second coin
      cnt += 2
      number += one_up_one_down
      sum += number
      coins += 1
      return sum if coin_count == 2

      # remaining coins
        cnt += 503

        number += five_hundred
        number -= modulo if number > modulo
        prev_number = number

        number += one_down
        prev_prev_number_diff = number - prev_number

        number += birthday
        prev_number = number

        number += birthday
        number -= modulo if number > modulo
        number_diff = number - prev_number

        unless number_diff == prev_prev_number_diff
          cnt += 3
          number += two_up_one_down
          number -= modulo if number > modulo

        if number <= min
          return sum if number == 0
          return sum + 1 if number == 1
          return sum if number == min

          min = number
          sum += number

          coins += 1
          puts "%20d%20d%20d" % [modulo - cnt, number, sum]
          return sum if coins == coin_count

          coin_diff = cnt - prev_cnt - 503
          cnt += coin_diff
          number += coin_diff * birthday
          number %= modulo
          prev_cnt = cnt

if __FILE__ == $0
  puts "Problem.solve: #{Problem.solve.inspect}"


require 'test/unit'
require './problem'

class TestProblem < Test::Unit::TestCase
    [1,  1504170715041707],
    [2,  1513083232796311],
    [3,  1515128018282680],
    [4,  1516439427959921],
    [5,  1517017461828034],
    [6,  1517440153755132],
    [7,  1517707503741215],
    [8,  1517819511786283],
    [9,  1517888185935404],
    [10, 1517913526188578],
    [11, 1517920872798979],
    [12, 1517924918987409],
    [13, 1517925664753868],
    [14, 1517926093164192],
    [15, 1517926204218381],
    [16, 1517926220024813],
    [17, 1517926235422080],
    [18, 1517926250410182],
    [19, 1517926264989119],
    [20, 1517926279158891],
    [21, 1517926292919498],
    [22, 1517926306270940],
    [23, 1517926319213217],
    [24, 1517926331746329],
    [25, 1517926343870276],
    [26, 1517926355585058],
    [27, 1517926366890675],
    [28, 1517926377787127],
    [29, 1517926388274414],
    [30, 1517926398352536],
    [31, 1517926408021493],
    [32, 1517926417281285],
    [33, 1517926426131912],
    [34, 1517926434573374],
    [35, 1517926442605671],
    [36, 1517926450228803],
    [37, 1517926457442770],
    [38, 1517926464247572],
    [39, 1517926470643209],
    [40, 1517926476629681],
    [41, 1517926482206988],
    [42, 1517926487375130],
    [43, 1517926492134107],
    [44, 1517926496483919],
    [45, 1517926500424566],
    [46, 1517926503956048],
    [47, 1517926507078365],
    [48, 1517926509791517],
    [49, 1517926512095504],
    [50, 1517926513990326],
    [51, 1517926515475983],
    [52, 1517926516552475],
    [53, 1517926517219802],
    [54, 1517926517477964],
    [55, 1517926517585123],
  ].each do |coins, expect|
    define_method "test_solve_#{coins.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}" do
      assert_equal expect, Problem.solve(coin_count: coins)