Problem 679

completed November 20, 2020


Wow, this problem took me a long time and a lot of struggle. But, eventually I tried enough things explored far enough that I came up with an excellent solution!

This final solution was I think my fourth attempt at this problem, each time it got faster and faster. I started with a simple brute-force implementation where I looked through all possible strings, checked if each word was in it once and only once, and incremented a counter. This allowed me to get some tests and check that the test value given in the problem was correct.

From there, I implemented what I called a “half brute-force” algorithm. I figured in my brute-force implementation I was wasting a ton of time on strings that didn’t have all four of the words in them. So instead, I figured out all the possible ways that the words could overlap. This let me be smarter in my creation of strings to test. I knew this wouldn’t be a good enough solution, but I figured it could help me get more tests written.

I spent at least a couple of weeks on another deadend solution that was so complex I had to just throw it away. I figured this was a combinatorics problem, so I should just do the math. Woh, would have been nice… but this got complex very quickly and I was never able to get the tests to pass for more than a 3 or 4 string lengths.

So, I decided to try something new. Instead of searching through all the strings, why not create correct ones and count them.

I figured too that instead of using characters and strings, I could do the problem just using the numbers 1 through 4. This made comparisons much much faster and abstracted the problem in a fun and interesting way.

I made a recursive function that given the last three letters of the string would try putting each of the available letters onto it. Then, count the number of words created. If the string is long enough and all the words are there only once, increment the counter by one.

This solution passed all the tests grandly. However, it was even slower than my “half brute” method. That seemed silly to me, so I went about looking for ways to speed it up. I won’t go through all of them here, because I think I spent at least a week trying to come up with different things. But needless to say, the code started getting very very long. I would never have committed that code at work!

So, wait a minute, what was I doing? I realized that all I was doing was caching the return value of my recursive function based on the input. Duh! It’s not like the output would change if the input doesn’t! So, I tore out all the grossness and replaced it with a simple dictionary cache. And voila! Solution in under a second!


_search = {}
def search(word, left, w1, w2, w3, w4):
    left -= 1

    key = (left, word, w1, w2, w3, w4)
    if key in _search:
        return _search[key]

    total = 0
    for letter in range(1, 5):
        worded = word + letter
        wd1, wd2, wd3, wd4 = w1, w2, w3, w4
        if worded == 4223:
            if wd2:
            wd2 = True
        elif worded == 1421:
            if wd4:
            wd4 = True
        elif worded == 3142:
            if wd3:
            wd3 = True
        elif worded == 3422:
            if wd1:
            wd1 = True

        if left == 0:
            if wd1 + wd2 + wd3 + wd4 == 4:
                total += 1
            total += search((worded % 1000) * 10, left, wd1, wd2, wd3, wd4)

    _search[key] = total
    return total

def solve(n):
    return search(0, n, False, False, False, False)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    n = eval(sys.argv[1])


import pytest
from problem import solve

_test_solve = (
        (9, 1),
        (10, 10),
        (11, 72),
        (12, 450),
        (13, 2582),
        (14, 13998),
        (15, 72863),
        (16, 367804),
        (17, 1812443),
        (18, 8759228),
        (19, 41657663),
        (20, 195461958),
        (21, 906624134),
        (22, 4163603956),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
    assert expect == solve(n)