This problem was pretty easy for me. I feel like I’ve gotten pretty good at this type of algorithm. I used a similar approach to how I tackled problem 88 just a couple weeks ago.
The math behind this was pretty simple. First thing I did was implement a brute force approach. Then I printed all the solutions below 100 and wrote out their prime factorizations. That confirmed my suspicions. In order to find all the solutions, all I needed to do was find products of at least three primes where the last prime added is less than the product of the preceding ones. I used recursion and the sieve of Eratosthenes to create the primes. Code runs in about 51 seconds.
def solve(n):
top = int(n ** 0.5)
sieve = [True] * (top + 1)
primes = []
for p, is_prime in enumerate(sieve):
if not is_prime or p < 2:
num = p + p
while num <= top:
sieve[num] = False
num += p
def get_smooth(product, length, i):
length += 1
smooths = 0
for p in primes[i:]:
prod = product * p
if prod > n:
elif length > 2 and p < product:
smooths += 1
if n // prod >= p:
smooths += get_smooth(prod, length, i)
i += 1
return smooths
return get_smooth(1, 0, 0) + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
n = eval(sys.argv[1])
import pytest
from problem import solve
_test_solve = (
(10**1, 2),
(10**2, 29),
(10**3, 274),
(10**4, 2656),
(10**5, 26613),
(10**6, 268172),
(10**7, 2719288),
#(10**8, 27531694),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
assert expect == solve(n)