Problem 66

completed January 18, 2012


I’m a little upset about this one. I couldn’t actually get this script to work for some reason. And I know why it is. To solve the Diophontine equation, I need the continued fraction of D. But for D=661, the continued fraction is soooo long, I couldn’t get the program to recognize when it had repeated itself.

I was able to solve the problem by doing a little research using the website Wolfram MathWorld. This explained to me exactly how the Pell equation worked and linked me to the Sloane series that actually gave me the answer.

So, what actually upsets me is that I didn’t use any programming to get me to the correct answer. I was able to find the solution however using a little internet research and a true understanding of the mathematics behind the problem. It was a +1 for math learning but a -1 for programming learning.


from math import *
bound = 1000
longest = [0,0]
from decimal import *

def cont_frac(c):
	global r
	a = []
	pre = (1/Decimal(c-Decimal(a[0])))
	i = 1
	period = False
	while period == False:
		i += 1
		pre = 1/Decimal(pre - Decimal(a[i-1]))
			if a[-3] == a[0]*2 and map(int, a[-2:]) == map(int, a[1:3]):
				period = True
	leng = len(a)*3
	r = len(a) - 5
	while len(a) < leng:
		i += 1
		pre = 1/Decimal(pre - Decimal(a[i-1]))
	return map(int, a)

def p_relation(a):
	global r
	if r%2 == 1:
		ri = r
	elif r%2 == 0:
		ri = 2*r + 1
	p = []
	p.append(a[0]*a[1] + 1)
	i = 1
	if i == ri:
		return a[i]*p[1] + p[0]
	while True:
		i += 1
		if i == ri:
			return a[i]*p[1] + p[0]
			p.append(a[i]*p[1] + p[0])
			del p[0]

def square(n):
	if n**.5%1 == 0:
		return True
		return False

for D in range(bound+1):
	print D
	if square(D) == True: continue
	a = cont_frac(Decimal(D)**Decimal(.5))
	p = p_relation(a)
	del a[0:]
	if p > longest[0]:
		longest = [p, D]

print longest[1]