Problem 60

completed December 28, 2011


This problem took me all day to complete! I tried 6 different methods, then ended up coming back to an earlier one. I’ve included all the scripts in order below.

I couldn’t figure out which method would be fastest to get all 5 numbers that could be combined with each other to still be primes. I tried doing it in groups of two. Then I did a group of two and a group of three. I also tried making groups of two, then combining those groups of twos into groups of fours, then adding a single to the end. None of those were as fast as just adding one prime at a time to the list until five were found.

Try One


from itertools import *
bound = 1000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def isdifferent(list):
	for n in permutations(list, 2):
		if n[0] == n[1]: return False
	return True

primes = []
for n in range(3, bound):
	if isprime(n) == True: primes.append(n)

def theanswer():
	i = 0
	for numberlist in combinations(primes, 5):
		if i%100000 == 0: print numberlist
		i += 1
		answer = True
		for x in permutations(numberlist, 2):
			if isprime(int(glue(x))) == False:
				answer = False
		if answer == True:
			return numberlist, sum(numberlist)

print theanswer()

Try Two


from itertools import *
bound = 1000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def isdifferent(list):
	for n in permutations(list, 2):
		if n[0] == n[1]: return False
	return True

primes = []
for n in range(3, bound):
	if isprime(n) == True: primes.append(n)

def theanswer():
	twos = []
	threes = []
	answers = []
	for a in primes:
		for b in primes:
			if isprime(int(glue([a, b]))) == True and isprime(int(glue([b, a]))) == True:
				twos.append([a, b])
	for a in primes:
		for b in primes:
			for c in primes:
				answer = True
				for test in permutations([a, b, c], 2):
					if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False: 
						answer = False
				if answer == True: 
					threes.append([a, b, c])
	for two in twos:
		for three in threes:
			five = two + three
			answer = True
			for test in permutations(five, 2):
				if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False:
					answer = False
			if answer == True:
				answers.append(five); print five
	return answers	

print theanswer()

Try Three


from itertools import *
bound = 10000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def makeprimes(bound):
	p = []
	for n in range(3, bound):
		if isprime(n) == True: p.append(n)
	return p

def flipprime(n):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False: return False
	return True

def theanswer():
	answers = []
	primes = makeprimes(bound)
	for a in primes:
		print [a]
		for b in primes:
			if b <= a: continue
			if flipprime([a, b]) == True:
				for c in primes:
					if c <= b: continue
					if flipprime([a, b, c]) == True:
						for d in primes:
							if d <= c: continue
							if flipprime([a, b, c, d]) == True:
								for e in primes:
									if e <= d: continue
									if flipprime([a, b, c, d, e]) == True:
										answers.append([a, b, c, d, e])
										print [a, b, c, d, e]
	return answers

print theanswer()

Try Four


from itertools import *
lower = 5000
bound = 10000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def isdifferent(list):
	for n in permutations(list, 2):
		if n[0] == n[1]: return False
	return True

def primelist(start, finish):
	primes = []
	for n in range(start, finish):
		if isprime(n) == True: primes.append(n)
	return primes

def flipprimelist(n, primes):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if int(glue(test)) not in primes: return False
	return True

def flipprimeloop(n):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False: return False
	return True

def mixup(element, listt):
	for mix in permutations(element, len(element)):
		if mix in listt: return True
	return False

def theanswer():
	answers = []
	twos = []
	fours = []
	primes = primelist(lower, bound)
	print 'primes compiled', len(primes)
	for two in combinations(primes, 2):
		if flipprimeloop(two) == True:
			print two
	print 'twos compiled', len(twos)
	for four in combinations(twos, 2):
		four = four[0] + four[1]
		if flipprimeloop(four) == True and mixup(four, fours) == False:
			print four
			for one in primes:
				five = list(four) + [one]
				if flipprimeloop(five) == True:
					answers.append([five, sum(five)])
					print five, sum(five)
	return answers

print theanswer()

Try Five


from itertools import *
lower = 3
bound = 2000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def isdifferent(list):
	for n in permutations(list, 2):
		if n[0] == n[1]: return False
	return True

def primelist(start, finish):
	primes = []
	for n in range(start, finish):
		if isprime(n) == True: primes.append(n)
	return primes

def flipprimelist(n, primes):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if int(glue(test)) not in primes: return False
	return True

def flipprimeloop(n):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False: return False
	return True

def mixup(element, listt):
	for mix in permutations(element, len(element)):
		if mix in listt: return True
	return False

def theanswer():
	answers = []
	twos = []
	threes = []
	fours = []
	primes = primelist(lower, bound)
	print 'primes compiled', len(primes)
	for two in combinations(primes, 2):
		if flipprimeloop(two) == True:
	print 'twos compiled', len(twos)
	for two in twos:
		for one in primes:
			if one in two: continue
			three = two + [one]
			if flipprimeloop(three) == True:
	print 'threes compiled', len(threes)
	for two in twos:
		for three in threes:
			five = two + three
			#print five
			if flipprimeloop(five) == True:
				answers.append([five, sum(five)])
				print five, sum(five), '<-------------------------------'
	return answers

print theanswer()

Try Six


from itertools import *
lower = 3
bound = 1000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def primelist(start, finish):
	p = []
	for n in range(start, finish):
		if isprime(n) == True: p.append(n)
	return p

def flipprime(n):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False: return False
	return True

def mixup(element, listt):
	for mix in permutations(element, len(element)):
		if mix in listt: return True
	return False

def theanswer():
	answers = []
	primes = primelist(lower, bound)
	print 'primes compiled', len(primes)
	for five in combinations(primes, 5):
		print five
		if flipprime(five) == True:
			print five, sum(five)
	return answers

print theanswer()

Try Seven


from itertools import *
bound = 10000

def glue(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))

def isprime(n):
	n = int(n)
	if n == 0 or n == 1: return False
	for i in range(2, int(n**.5 + 1)):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def makeprimes(bound):
	p = []
	for n in range(3, bound):
		if isprime(n) == True: p.append(n)
	return p

def flipprime(n):
	for test in permutations(n, 2):
		if isprime(int(glue(test))) == False: return False
	return True

def theanswer():
	answers = []
	primes = makeprimes(bound)
	for a in primes:
		print [a]
		for b in primes:
			if b <= a: continue
			if flipprime([a, b]) == True:
				for c in primes:
					if c <= b: continue
					if flipprime([a, b, c]) == True:
						for d in primes:
							if d <= c: continue
							if flipprime([a, b, c, d]) == True:
								for e in primes:
									if e <= d: continue
									if flipprime([a, b, c, d, e]) == True:
										answers.append([a, b, c, d, e])
										print [a, b, c, d, e]
	return answers

print theanswer()