Problem 577

completed November 28, 2020


I ended up getting off on a long tangent on this one. I used paper and pen to come up with the first few values if H(n), then stuck these values into Unfortunately, these numbers very closely matched another sequence ( In order to create a generating function for that sequence, I had to learn about Taylor Series and figure out how to take the first derivative in Python. Fortunately (?) taking the derivative in Python is very slow, so I knew I’d have to come up with a new method for calculating the solution. I implemented what I believed was correct, only to find that my new solution diverged from the oeis series at the 25th item. At this point though, I figured, what the heck, I’ll get the solution with this implementation and put it into the solution box, and if it’s correct yay and if not, I’ll figure it out from there. Ends up, my solution was correct! Runs in about 0.2 seconds on Pypy3.


def triange(n):
    return int((n + 1) * (n / 2))

def series(n):
    total = 0
    for i, k in enumerate(range(2, n, 3)):
        total += triange(n - k) * (i + 1)
    return total

def solve(n):
    total = 0
    for k in range(3, n + 1):
        total += series(k)
    return total

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    n = eval(sys.argv[1])


import pytest
from problem import solve

_test_solve = (
        (3, 1),
        (4, 4),
        (5, 10),
        (6, 22),
        (7, 43),
        (8, 76),
        (9, 127),
        (10, 202),
        (20, 4592),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
    assert expect == solve(n)