Problem 52

completed December 8, 2011


I work and I work, and all this time, it was the little trick I was trying to use to save some time that was getting in the way. I knew the number had to start with a 1, so I attempted to create only numbers beginning with 1 to test for the property needed. But, somehow, doing this created some bug in the line. Not sure exactly what it was. But taking that out, I got the answer in just a few seconds.


#(1234) --> [1, 2, 3, 4]
import re
def num2str(n):
	return map(int, re.split('_', re.sub('\B', '_', str(n))))

#take a string of form (1, 2, a, b) and make it into one word or number of form 12ab
def str2num(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))	

from itertools import count
for n in count(0):
	x = 2
	checkstring = num2str(n)
	check = n
	#checkstring = [1] + num2str(n)
	#check = str2num(checkstring)
	while x < 7:
		against = num2str(x*check)
		for i in range(10):
			if against.count(i) != checkstring.count(i): x = 7
		if x == 6: print check
		x += 1