Problem 500

completed October 17, 2020


I completed three in one day! That feels pretty good. This one I actually was able to get running pretty quickly. I was able to get the answer in about 7 seconds. Most of the time is being taken up by creating the first 500500 prime numbers.

I enjoyed working on this one because it reminded me a lot of problem 650. That problem also involved calculating the number of divisors of a given number. Having completed that one recently, I was able to build on the knowledge I gained.

The key to this problem is noticing that the requested number of divisors is a power of 2. This meant that the exponent on each prime factor must also be a power of 2. That made the search much easier.


from sympy import sieve

modulo = 500500507

def solve(n):
    count = 0
    factorization = []
    last_number = 1
    while count < n:
        count += 1

        smallest = float('inf')
        for exponent, i in enumerate(factorization + [0]):
            num = sieve[i+1] ** (1 << exponent)
            if num < smallest:
                smallest = num
                prime_i = exponent

        last_number *= smallest
        last_number %= modulo
        if prime_i == len(factorization):
            factorization[prime_i] += 1

    return last_number

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    n = int(sys.argv[1])


import pytest
from problem import solve

_test_solve = (
    (1, 2),
    (2, 6),
    (3, 24),
    (4, 120),
    (5, 840),
    (6, 7560),
    (7, 83160),
    (8, 1081080),
    (9, 17297280),
    (10, 294053760),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
    assert expect == solve(n)