Problem 493

completed May 25, 2019


I think I’m on a roll now with these things. I mean, doing two in a row is a roll right???

This problem I decided to do in Go since that’s the language I’m now working with at work. Plus, it’s a lot faster than Python. Not that the added speed is required to solve the problems, but it’s nice.

Again, this problem took me two tries. First, I started by creating a “simulation” and running it about 100 million times, then finding the average of all those simulation tries. Ends up this isn’t nearly good enough. Since the problem was looking for accuracy to the 9th decimal place, this means I would need to run at the very least 10^9 simulations. I optimized my simulation as much as I could and still realized that this would be impossible to run.

Next I decided to do the hard work that it would take to actually do the math correctly. I took discrete math in college, I can do this right? This method proved to be the right one and the program ran in about 0.13 seconds! Pretty good! I looked up some code to do Combinations in Go. This lead me to a repo that was no longer maintained but still had a good example of how to generate all combinations of a set of numbers. I started with this and slowly edited it to include repeated values up to 10 times.

I ran the program at this point and found that the answer was incorrect. This is because for each possible combination, there are multiple ways to pull this grouping of balls out of the urn. This means each combination needed to be weighted. I then added calculations for the weight and ran it again. Still wrong. Sigh. Coming back to it after a short break, I wrote a quick test for what I’d expect the weight to be on the second pick. The test failed! This pointed me to two different bugs in my weight calculation. Once fixing these, I was able to solve the problem.

Also, git was super helpful to me in this problem and the last. I did not push my code anywhere but still got a ton of value out of it. It was really nice to be able to go back to my very first commit and show how the subtle bugs in my weight algorithm were incorrect. Very helpful!


package main

import (

var (
	factorialCache = make(map[int]int, repeatsAllowed)
	chooseCache    = make(map[int]int, k)

func Factorial(num int) int {
	if fac, ok := factorialCache[num]; ok {
		return fac
	fac := 1
	for i := num; i > 1; i-- {
		fac = fac * i
	factorialCache[num] = fac
	return fac

func Choose(n, k int) int {
	if choose, ok := chooseCache[k]; ok {
		return choose
	choose := Factorial(n) / (Factorial(n-k) * Factorial(k))
	chooseCache[k] = choose
	return choose

func NextPick(lastpick Pick) Pick {
	distMap := make(map[int]int, n)
	for j := k - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
		if lastpick.Hand[j] >= n-1 {
			if j == 0 {
				lastpick.OK = false
				return lastpick
		distMap[lastpick.Hand[j]] += 1
		setVal := lastpick.Hand[j]
		setCount := 1
		for l := j + 1; l < k; l++ {
			if setCount > repeatsAllowed {
				if setVal+1 > n-1 {
					return NextPick(lastpick)
				lastpick.Hand[l] = setVal + 1
			} else {
				lastpick.Hand[l] = setVal
			distMap[lastpick.Hand[l]] += 1
		for l := 0; l < j; l++ {
			distMap[lastpick.Hand[l]] += 1
	dist := 0
	weight := 1
	for _, val := range distMap {
		if val > 0 {
		weight *= Choose(repeatsAllowed, val)
	lastpick.Distincts = dist
	lastpick.Weight = weight
	return lastpick

type Pick struct {
	Hand      [k]int
	Distincts int
	Weight    int
	OK        bool

func FirstPick() Pick {
	hand := [k]int{}
	num := 0
	count := 0
	for i := 0; i < k; i++ {
		if count >= repeatsAllowed {
			count = 0
		hand[i] = num

	return Pick{
		Hand:      hand,
		Distincts: 2,
		Weight:    1,
		OK:        true,

const (
	n              int = 7
	k              int = 20
	repeatsAllowed int = 10

func Simulate() (int, int) {
	var total int
	var tries int

	for pick := FirstPick(); pick.OK; pick = NextPick(pick) {
		total += pick.Distincts * pick.Weight
		tries += pick.Weight

	return total, tries

func main() {
	total, tries := Simulate()

	fmt.Printf("total: %#v\n", total)
	fmt.Printf("tries: %#v\n", tries)
	fmt.Printf("total/tries: %#v\n", float64(total)/float64(tries))

Tests and Benchmarks

package main

import "testing"

func TestFactorial(t *testing.T) {
	testcases := []struct {
		input    int
		expected int
		{0, 1},
		{1, 1},
		{2, 2},
		{3, 6},
		{4, 24},
	for _, test := range testcases {
		if actual := Factorial(test.input); test.expected != actual {
			t.Errorf("wrong answer for %d: %d", test.input, actual)

func TestChoice(t *testing.T) {
	testcases := []struct {
		inputN   int
		inputK   int
		expected int
		{1, 1, 1},
		{2, 2, 1},
		{4, 2, 6},
		{5, 3, 10},
	for _, test := range testcases {
		chooseCache = make(map[int]int) // clear the cache
		if actual := Choose(test.inputN, test.inputK); test.expected != actual {
			t.Errorf("wrong answer for Choose(%d, %d): %d", test.inputN, test.inputK, actual)

func TestSimulate(t *testing.T) {
	expectedTotal := 39661069975935
	expectedTries := 5785324890608

	actualTotal, actualTries := Simulate()

	if expectedTotal != actualTotal {
		t.Errorf("incorrect total: actual=%d, expected=%d", actualTotal, expectedTotal)
	if expectedTries != actualTries {
		t.Errorf("incorrect tries: actual=%d, expected=%d", actualTries, expectedTries)

func BenchmarkFactorial(b *testing.B) {
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
		factorialCache = make(map[int]int, repeatsAllowed)

func TestWeight(t *testing.T) {
	pick := FirstPick()
	pick = NextPick(pick)
	if 100 != pick.Weight {
		t.Error("incorrect pick weight", pick.Weight)