Problem 387

completed May 23, 2019


For some reason I felt reinspired to start doing some of these problems again. I think it’s because we’ve been doing some hiring at work and I’ve been reviewing code challenges. It makes me want to do some challenges for myself. And well, what better place???

It took me two tries to get this problem solved. In the end the solution took about 7 min and 13 to get. That’s a bit long for my liking, but I left some comments in my code for where I think some improvements could be made.

I started with a brute force strategy. Running through all prime numbers less than 10**14 and then checking to see if they fit the requirements. In the end, this was unreasonable because creating that many prime numbers was just too much to have to do.

For the second try I built a list of right truncatable Harshad numbers, then checked which were strong. From those, I then tacked on odd digits to the right and then checked to see which of those numbers were prime. This algorithm worked fine in the end. Again, I think I could have done it a bit faster by caching some values and what not, but in the end, 7+ minutes isn’t so bad. I just brushed my teeth and got ready for bed while it was running :)


def is_harshad(num):
    sum = 0
    for digit in str(num):
        sum += int(digit)
    if num % sum == 0:
        return True
    return False

def is_right_truncatable_harshad(num):
    str_num = str(num)
    running_sum = 0
    for i in xrange(1, len(str_num)+1):
        t_num = str_num[:i]
        running_sum += int(t_num[-1])
        if int(t_num) % running_sum != 0:
            return False
    return True

def is_strong_harshad_number(num):
    sum = 0
    for digit in str(num):
        sum += int(digit)
    if not num % sum:
        return is_prime(num/sum)
    return False

def is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime(num, check_prime=True):
    str_num = str(num)
    if len(str_num) < 2:
        return False
    if check_prime:
        if not is_prime(num):
            return False
    truncated = int(str(num)[:-1])
    return is_strong_harshad_number(truncated) and \

def sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_less_than(num):
    sum = 0
    # FIXME: Since running through so many primes is going to be impossible, we
    # will have to build the numbers from scratch instead.
    for i in prime_generator(num):
        if is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime(i, check_prime=False):
            sum += i
    return sum

# ---------- building them from scratch

def get_right_truncatable_harshad_numbers_below(max):
    harshads_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    new_harshads = list(harshads_list)
    while True:
        new_harshads = _build_next_truncatables(new_harshads)
        for new_harshad in new_harshads:
            if new_harshad >= max:
                return harshads_list

_single_digits = ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
_single_odds = ('1', '3', '5', '7', '9')

def _build_next_truncatables(harshads_list):
    next_harshads = []
    for harshad in harshads_list:
        harshad_str = str(harshad)
        for digit in _single_digits:
            new_harshad = int(harshad_str + digit)
            if is_harshad(new_harshad):  # TODO: this can be cached
    return next_harshads

def get_strong_right_truncatable_harshads_below(num):
    harshads = []
    for harshad in get_right_truncatable_harshad_numbers_below(num):
        if is_strong_harshad_number(harshad):
    return harshads

def get_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below(num):
    harshads = []
    for harshad in get_strong_right_truncatable_harshads_below(num):
        new_harshads = _build_harshad_primes_from(harshad)
        for new_harshad in new_harshads:
            if new_harshad >= num:
    return harshads

def _build_harshad_primes_from(num):
    harshads = []
    num_str = str(num)
    for digit in _single_odds:
        new_harshad = int(num_str + digit)
        if is_prime(new_harshad):
    return harshads

def sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below(num):
    sum = 0
    for harshad in get_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below(num):
        sum += harshad
    return sum

# ---------- primes functions

_primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]

def is_prime(num):
    if num < 2:
        return False
    elif num == 2:
        return True
    elif not (num % 2):
        return False
        for i in prime_generator(max=(num ** 0.5 + 1)):
            if not (num % i):
                return False
        return True

def prime_generator(max=None):
    max = max or float('inf')

    for prime in _primes:
        if prime <= max:
            yield prime

    num = prime + 2
    while num <= max:
        if is_prime(num):
            yield num
        num += 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below(10**14)

Tests and Benchmarks

import pytest
import time

from problem import (is_harshad, is_right_truncatable_harshad,
        is_strong_harshad_number, is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime,
        sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_less_than as sum_less_than,
        sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below as sum_below,

@pytest.mark.parametrize('number,expected', (
    (1, True),
    (10, True),
    (11, False),
    (12, True),
    (13, False),
    (14, False),
    (15, False),
    (16, False),
    (17, False),
    (18, True),
    (19, False),
    (20, True),
    (201, True),
    (202, False),
def test_is_harshad(number, expected):
    actual = is_harshad(number)
    assert actual == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('number,expected', (
    (1, True),
    (10, True),
    (11, False),
    (12, True),
    (201, True),
    (2001, True),
def test_is_right_truncatable_harshad(number, expected):
    actual = is_right_truncatable_harshad(number)
    assert actual == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('number,expected', (
    (2, False),
    (3, False),
    (10, False),
    (11, False),
    (12, False),
    (18, True),
def test_is_strong_harshad_number(number, expected):
    actual = is_strong_harshad_number(number)
    assert actual == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('number,expected', (
    (1, False),
    (10, False),
    (11, False),
    (12, False),
    (13, False),
    (14, False),
    (15, False),
    (16, False),
    (17, False),
    (18, False),
    (19, False),
    (20, False),
    (201, False),
    (202, False),
    (2011, True),
def test_is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime_true(number, expected):
    actual = is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime(number, check_prime=True)
    assert actual == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('number,expected', (
    (1, False),
    (10, False),
    (11, False),
    (12, False),
    (13, False),
    (14, False),
    (15, False),
    (16, False),
    (17, False),
    (18, False),
    (19, False),
    (20, False),
    (201, False),
    (202, False),
    (2011, True),
def test_is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime_false(number, expected):
    actual = is_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_prime(number,
    assert actual == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize('number,expected', (
    (10000, 90619),
def test_sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_less_than(number,
    actual = sum_less_than(number)
    assert actual == expected

def test_get_right_truncatable_harshad_numbers_below():
    max_value = 100
    expected = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18, 20, 21, 24, 27, 30, 36,
            40, 42, 45, 48, 50, 54, 60, 63, 70, 72, 80, 81, 84, 90]
    actual = get_right_truncatable_harshad_numbers_below(max_value)
    assert actual == expected

    actual = get_right_truncatable_harshad_numbers_below(10000)
    assert len(actual) == 180

def test_get_strong_right_truncatable_harshads_below():
    max_value = 100
    expected = [18, 21, 27, 42, 45, 63, 84]
    actual = get_strong_right_truncatable_harshads_below(max_value)
    assert actual == expected

    actual = get_strong_right_truncatable_harshads_below(10000)
    assert len(actual) == 26

def test_get_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below():
    max_value = 10000
    expected = [181, 211, 271, 277, 421, 457, 631, 2011, 2017, 2099, 2473,
            2477, 4021, 4027, 4073, 4079, 4231, 4813, 4817, 6037, 8011, 8017,
            8039, 8461, 8467]
    actual = get_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below(max_value)
    assert actual == expected

def test_sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_below():
    max_value = 10000
    expected = 90619
    actual = sum_below(max_value)
    assert actual == expected

def benchmark_sum_strong_right_truncatable_harshad_primes_less_than(iters):
    import problem
    start = time.time()
    for i in xrange(iters):
        problem._primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
        assert sum_less_than(10000) == 90619
    end = time.time()
    print "time for %d iterations: %f sec" % (iters, end - start)
    print "time per iteration: %f sec" % ((end - start) / iters)

if __name__ == '__main__':