Problem 359

completed January 12, 2021


This problem was cute. I knew the reference in the title about the infinite hotel. That didn’t come into play a whole lot though.

This problem really benefitted from drawing it out on paper. After doing so, I was able to see that there was definitely a pattern involved. I started tackling the proble as I normally do, with a brute force solution. This allowed me to create a set of tests I could use as I continued to amend the code.

The formulas I came up with are super cumbersome and long. I am sure they can be reduced (and probably combined into a single formula) but I was unsure of how to do it given the floor divisions. Ends up this implementation was speedy enough. If I were doing this as part of work or anything, I’d definitely look into cleaning up those formulas!

Lastly, most of the code is for getting all the divisors of 71328803586048. I probably didn’t need all of that, given I already knew it’s prime factorization. However, it was essential if I was going to run tests with varying input values.


mult = 71328803586048  # 2**27 * 3**12
modulo = 10**8

def divisors(maxx):
    top = int(maxx ** 0.5)
    sieve = {}
    primes = []
    for p in range(2, top + 1):
        if sieve.get(p):
        num = p + p
        while num <= top:
            sieve[num] = p
            num += p

    def _divisors(n):
        if n == 1:
            return [1]
        if n > top:
            stop = n ** 0.5
            for p in primes:
                if p > stop:
                    return [1, n]
                if n % p == 0:
                return [1, n]
            p = sieve.get(n)
            if not p:
                return [1, n]
        n //= p
        exp = 1
        while n % p == 0:
            n //= p
            exp += 1
        return [d*p**e for d in _divisors(n) for e in range(0, exp + 1)]

    return _divisors(maxx)

def p(f, r):
    if f == 1:
        return r * (r + 1) // 2
    n = f**2 // 2
    if f % 2 == 0:
        return n + (1 + (r-1)//2) * ((r-1)//2) + ((4*f + (r//2)*2) * (r//2))//2
    return n + ((r//2)*2*(r//2))//2 + (((r-1)//2) * (2*f + 2*((r-3)//2 + f)))//2

def solve(n):
    total = 0
    for d in divisors(n):
        total += p(d, n//d) % modulo
    return total % modulo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    n = eval(sys.argv[1])


import pytest
from problem import solve, p, divisors

_test_divisors = (
        (1, [1]),
        (2, [1, 2]),
        (10, [1, 2, 5, 10]),
        (16, [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]),
        (24, [1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 12, 24]),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_divisors)
def test_divisors(n, expect):
    assert expect == divisors(n)

_test_p = (
        (1, 1, 1),
        (1, 2, 3),

        (2, 1, 2),
        (2, 2, 7),
        (2, 3, 9),
        (2, 4, 16),
        (2, 5, 20),

        (3, 1, 4),
        (3, 2, 5),
        (3, 3, 11),
        (3, 4, 14),
        (3, 5, 22),
        (3, 6, 27),
        (3, 7, 37),
        (3, 8, 44),
        (3, 9, 56),

        (4, 1, 8),
        (4, 2, 17),
        (4, 3, 19),
        (4, 4, 30),
        (4, 5, 34),

        (5, 1, 12),
        (5, 2, 13),
        (5, 3, 23),
        (5, 4, 26),
        (5, 5, 38),
        (5, 6, 43),
        (5, 7, 57),
        (5, 8, 64),
        (5, 9, 80),

        (6, 1, 18),
        (6, 2, 31),
        (6, 3, 33),
        (6, 4, 48),
        (6, 5, 52),

        (7, 1, 24),
        (7, 2, 25),
        (7, 3, 39),
        (7, 4, 42),
        (7, 5, 58),
        (7, 6, 63),
        (7, 7, 81),
        (7, 8, 88),
        (7, 9, 108),

        (10, 20, 440),
        (25, 75, 4863),
        (99, 100, 19454),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('f,r,expect', _test_p)
def test_p(f,r, expect):
    assert expect == p(f,r)

_test_solve = (
        (1, 1),
        (2, 5),
        (3, 10),
        (4, 25),
        (5, 27),
        (6, 53),
        (7, 52),
        (8, 101),
        (9, 96),
        (10, 138),
        (12, 243),
        (24, 967),
        (48, 3743),
        (72, 8344),
        (432, 286718),
        (1152, 2011688),
        (10**4, 38974589),
        (10**5, 88817164),
        (10**6, 50338373),
        (10**7, 81965344),
        (10**8, 31246565),
        #(10**9, 37551092),  might be wrong

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
    assert expect == solve(n)