The hardest part about this one for me was trying to figure out the string slicing so I could create the palendromic numbers. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to reverse a string, but omit the last character before reversing.
After that the solution was pretty easy to get to. At first I had this code create the squares then look for the cubes. But that was problematic because floating point numbers don’t work well when dividing by three. So I switched it to be create the cubes and look for the squares. Answer in a little over 2 seconds using Pypy3.
def palendromes():
pow0, pow1 = 1, 10
while True:
for n in range(pow0, pow1):
strn = str(n)
yield int(strn + strn[-2::-1])
for n in range(pow0, pow1):
strn = str(n)
yield int(strn + strn[::-1])
pow0, pow1 = pow1, pow1 * 10
def is_square(n):
return int(n ** 0.5) ** 2 == n
def solve(n):
squ_cubes = []
for p in palendromes():
found = 0
for cube in range(1, int(p ** (1/3)) + 1):
remain = p - cube ** 3
if is_square(remain):
found += 1
if found > 4:
if found == 4:
if len(squ_cubes) == n:
return sum(squ_cubes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
n = eval(sys.argv[1])