Problem 347

completed September 6, 2019


I ended up working so hard trying to get my benchmark time down that I ended up solving the problem in under 2 seconds without even knowing it!

This problem was easier since I had recently completed one that re-reminded me of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. I thought about it here too and it worked out really well in just counting the number of prime divisors. I think the code is a bit hard to read though so if this wasn’t just a one off program, I’d probably try to clean it up a bit and make it more readable. It was fun though trying to micro optimize it all though.


package main

import (

func sieve(max int) [][3]int {
	sieve := make([][3]int, max+1)
	for i := 2; i <= max; i++ {
		if sieve[i][0] > 0 {
		for j := i; j <= max; j += i {
			if sieve[j][0] == 0 {
				sieve[j][0] = i
			} else if sieve[j][1] == 0 {
				sieve[j][1] = i
			} else {
				sieve[j][2] = i
	return sieve

func S(N int) int {
	divs := sieve(N)
	dist := make(map[[3]int]int)
	for num := 6; num <= N; num++ {
		a := divs[num][0]
		b := divs[num][1]
		c := divs[num][2]
		if a == 0 || b == 0 || c != 0 {
		dist[divs[num]] = num
	var total int
	for _, val := range dist {
		total += val
	return total

func main() {
	answer := S(10000000)
	fmt.Printf("answer: %#v\n", answer)

Tests and Benchmarks

package main

import (

func TestS(t *testing.T) {
	if act := S(100); act != 2262 {
		t.Error("Incorrect value for S(100):", act)

var result int

func BenchmarkS(b *testing.B) {
	var a int
	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
		a = S(100)
	result = a