Problem 315

completed September 5, 2019


This was another easier seeming problem (though it is marked as 20% difficulty out of 100%, so obviously others must think it was harder than I did). Initially I read the problem wrong. I thought I was suppose to just find the transitions from one prime to the next. When I kept getting the wrong answer over and over, I reread the problem and found there was a step I was missing. I needed to find the “digital root” of each prime number.

I’m in a book club at work where we are reading and learning together about Go Programming. In the book this last week we read about integer types. One of the things they covered was bitwise operations. For some reason, even though this wasn’t the first time I’d read about them, they finally seem to have made sense to me. So, I decided to pull out an XOR in this problem to help solve it. I had initially started by actually counting to figure out the transition changes between each number, but after finding so many errors in my code, I knew I needed a different way.

Lastly, I had initially created a custom prime generator. It was rather slow. The problem took over 11 minutes to complete. When done, I read the forum to see what other people did. There I was reminded of the Sieve of Eratosthenes! Oh yeah! Duh, this is a great application of that. So, I rewrote my generator and found the problem being soved in about 56 seconds! Nice work, thanks Eratosthenes!!


_prime_sieve = [False, False]
_binary_repr = {
        ' ': 0b0000000,
        '0': 0b1110111,
        '1': 0b0010010,
        '2': 0b1011101,
        '3': 0b1011011,
        '4': 0b0111010,
        '5': 0b1101011,
        '6': 0b1101111,
        '7': 0b1110010,
        '8': 0b1111111,
        '9': 0b1111011,
_switch_cache = {}

def prime_generator(min, max):
    if len(_prime_sieve) > max:
        for i, isprime in enumerate(_prime_sieve[:max+1]):
            if isprime and i >= min:
                yield i

    num_to_add = max - len(_prime_sieve) + 1
    _prime_sieve.extend([True] * num_to_add)

    for i in range(2, int(max ** 0.5) + 1):
        if not _prime_sieve[i]:
        for j in range(i ** 2, max + 1, i):
            _prime_sieve[j] = False

    for i, isprime in enumerate(_prime_sieve[:max+1]):
        if isprime and i >= min:
            yield i

def switch_digit(frm, to):
    tpl = (frm, to)
    if tpl in _switch_cache:
        return _switch_cache[tpl]

    diff = _binary_repr[frm] ^ _binary_repr[to]
    strdiff = str(bin(diff))
    cnt = strdiff.count('1')

    _switch_cache[tpl] = cnt
    return cnt

def switch_num(frm, to):
    energy = 0
    strfrm = str(frm)
    strto = str(to)
    lenfrm = len(strfrm)
    lento = len(strto)
    if lenfrm > lento:
        strto = strto.rjust(lenfrm)
    elif lento > lenfrm:
        strfrm = strfrm.rjust(lento)
    for i, j in zip(strfrm, strto):
        energy += switch_digit(i, j)
    return energy

def next_digital_sum(num):
    total = 0
    for d in num:
        total += int(d)
    return total

def sam_energy(gen):
    total_energy = 0
    for num in gen:
        total_energy += sam_process_num(num)
    return total_energy

def sam_process_num(num):
    total_energy = 2 * switch_num(' ', num)
    strnum = str(num)
    while len(strnum) > 1:
        strnum = str(next_digital_sum(strnum))
        total_energy += 2 * switch_num(' ', strnum)
    return total_energy

def max_energy(gen):
    total_energy = 0
    for num in gen:
        total_energy += max_process_num(num)
    return total_energy

def max_process_num(num):
    total_energy = switch_num(' ', num)
    strnum = str(num)
    while len(strnum) > 1:
        nextnum = str(next_digital_sum(strnum))
        total_energy += switch_num(strnum, nextnum)
        strnum = nextnum
    total_energy += switch_num(strnum, ' ')
    return total_energy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lower = 10**7
    upper = 2*lower
    sam = sam_energy(prime_generator(lower, upper))
    max = max_energy(prime_generator(lower, upper))
    print(sam - max)


import problem

def test_prime_generator():
    problem._prime_sieve = [False, False]
    expected = (11, 13, 17, 19)
    for i, j in zip(problem.prime_generator(11, 20), expected):
        assert i == j

    problem._prime_sieve = [False, False]
    expected = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19)
    for i, j in zip(problem.prime_generator(0, 20), expected):
        assert i == j

def test_sam_energy():
    actual = problem.sam_energy((137,))
    assert actual == 40

    actual = problem.sam_energy(range(10))
    assert actual == 100

def test_max_energy():
    actual = problem.max_energy((137,))
    assert actual == 30

    actual = problem.max_energy(range(10))
    assert actual == 100