Problem 31

completed December 8, 2011


I’m sure there’s an easier way to do this. But I didn’t much feel like figuring that out. I used way too many for loops. I am thinking there must be some way to break out of each for loop when the sum to that point is too big. The script took a little under 2 minutes to run as is, so I’m not complaining too much.


p1 = 1		#a
p2 = 2		#b
p5 = 5		#c
p10 = 10	#d
p20 = 20	#e
p50 = 50	#f
p100 = 100	#g
p200 = 200	#h

thecount = 0
for h in range(2):
	for g in range(3):
		for f in range(5):
			for e in range(11):
				for d in range(21):
					for c in range(41):
						for	b in range(101):
							for a in range(201):
								this = (a*p1 + b*p2 + c*p5 + d*p10 + e*p20 + f*p50 + g*p100 + h*p200)
								if this > 200: break
								elif this == 200:
									thecount += 1
									print a

print thecount