Problem 265

completed January 30, 2021


I got a bit confused about how many times I needed to raise 2 to a power. Shifting left this many, then right this many, it got a bit out of control.

As always, I started with a naïve approach that checks each possibility and each sub-sequence. Then I realized that the number of sub-sequences is n, the values for each sub-sequence item is between 0 and n-1 inclusive, and therefore each value must be present exactly one time. This allowed me to create a recursive approach (I really do love recursion) that ensures that the only duplicates created are just twists in the ring.

Program runs in under 200 milliseconds.


def concat(seq):
    num = 0
    for s in seq:
        num <<= 1
        num += s & 1
    return num

def solve(n):

    def minimal_orien(num):
        num = bin(num)[2:].rjust(1 << n, '0')
        minim = num
        for i in range(len(num)):
            seg = num[i:] + num[:i]
            minim = min(seg, minim)
        return int(minim, base=2)

    seq = [0] * (1 << n)

    def rings(i):
        i -= 1
        if i == 0:
            yield concat(seq)
        last = seq[i]
        for k in range(2):
            num = (last >> 1) + (k << (n - 1))
            if num in seq[i:] or num == last:
            seq[i-1] = num
            yield from rings(i)

    total, founds = 0, {}
    for ring in rings(1 << n):
        minim = minimal_orien(ring)
        if minim not in founds:
            total += minim
        founds[minim] = True
    return total

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    n = eval(sys.argv[1])


import pytest
from problem import solve

_test_solve = (
        (3, 52),
        (4, 51504),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
    assert expect == solve(n)