Problem 26

completed December 7, 2011


Ugh. This one is annoying because python can’t handle numbers large enough for what I need. All of these numbers are rational, so if you get to enough decimal places, it will repeat. But I haven’t been able to get to the number of decimal places that I need yet. I’m trying to do some visual inspections of what pops out to see if that can help too.

I finally got it. But it took a very long time. I took this with the brute force method, which was incredibly inificient. I got to the correct answer eventually, but it took running the script multiple times. I’m going to take a look at the forums to see how other people approached this and see if I can learn something from it.

Code One

import math
#take a string of form (1, 2, a, b) and make it into one word or number of form 12ab
def str2num(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))		
#opposite of the above, take a number and split it into individual digits
import re
def num2str(n):
	return re.split('_', re.sub('\B', '_', str(n)))
def circle(n): #takes first number, puts it at the end
	return int(str2num((list(num2str(n)))[1:] + [(list(num2str(n)))[0]]))
#finding a pattern from a string of integers

def patternlength(m, pull):
	n = num2str(m)
	for l in range(len(n), 1, -1):
		small = []
		for i in range(len(n)-l+1):
		if len(small) == 0: continue
		for j in small:
			thisj = j
			for k in range(l):
				if thisj == circle(thisj): break
				thisj = circle(thisj)
				if thisj not in small: break
				if k == l-1: print (l, j, pull, m)
	return ('none', 'none', pull, m)

from decimal import *
getcontext().prec = 53
invlist = []
for x in range(3, 1000):
	invx = str(Decimal(1) / Decimal(x)).lstrip('0.')
	invlist.append(patternlength(invx, x))

for y in sorted(invlist):
	print y

Code Final

import math
#take a string of form (1, 2, a, b) and make it into one word or number of form 12ab
def str2num(n):
	return ''.join(map(str, n))		
#opposite of the above, take a number and split it into individual digits
import re
def num2str(n):
	return re.split('_', re.sub('\B', '_', str(n)))
def circle(n): #takes first number, puts it at the end
	return str2num((list(num2str(n)))[1:] + [(list(num2str(n)))[0]])

#gives x / y with no decimal points
import math
def longdivision(x, y):
	x = float(x)
	y = float(y)
	z = []
	while len(z) < 2000:
		if (x / y) >= 1:
			z.append(int(math.floor(x / y)))
			x = float(x%y)
			x = float(''.join(str(int(x)) + '0'))
	return str2num(z)

#finding a pattern from a string of integers
def patternlength(m, pull):
	n = num2str(m)
	for l in range(400, len(n)):
		small = []
		for i in range(len(n)-l+1):
		if len(small) == 0: continue
		for j in small[0:5]: #place to cut runtime
			thisj = j
			for k in range(l):
				if thisj == circle(thisj): return ('none', j, pull, m)
				thisj = circle(thisj)
				if thisj not in small: break
				if k == l-1: return (l, j, pull, m)
	return ('none', 'none', pull, m)

#find the answer
invlist = []
testlist = [571, 577, 593, 619, 659, 701, 709, 727, 743, 821, 841, 857, 863, 887, 937, 941, 953, 971, 977, 983]
for x in testlist:
	print x
	invx = longdivision(1, x)
	thisx = patternlength(invx, x)
	print thisx
print max(invlist)