Problem 220

completed April 20, 2021


This was one of the rare problems when I found myself going off and exploring topics related to the problem with greater interest than actually completing the problem.

It involves the Heighway Dragon, a fractal that is the same what happens when you repeatedly fold a piece of paper along the same axis. It’s one of the more beautiful fractals I’ve seen, in my opinion at least. What’s great about it is its construction is well suited to turtle graphics.

After making a working solution, I immediately added the Python turtle module to my Turtle class. This was super helpful with debugging because I could easily see the errors in the program and exactly where there were occurring. But of course, this led me off on a wonderful adventure in drawing.


I would like to further explore ideas of color, line thickness, and angle in this dragon. Rendering the above image took a very long time and slowed considerably as it went. I know there must be performance gains to be found.

As far as the problem itself goes, it’s recursive, based on powers of 2. Program runs almost instantly and seems to work with values of $n = 10^{10^4}$ and possibly greater.


def position_for(pwr, faces):
    val = 1 << pwr // 2
    if faces:
        val = -val
    cycle = pwr % 8

    if cycle == 0:
        return 0, val
    elif cycle == 1:
        return val, val
    elif cycle == 2:
        return val, 0
    elif cycle == 3:
        return val, -val
    elif cycle == 4:
        return 0, -val
    if cycle == 5:
        return -val, -val
    elif cycle == 6:
        return -val, 0
    elif cycle == 7:
        return -val, val

def facing(n):
    return bin(n^(n>>1))[2:].count("1") % 4

def solve(m):

    k = x = y = 0
    while k < m:
        steps = (m - k).bit_length() - 1
        relx, rely = position_for(steps, facing(k))
        x += relx
        y += rely
        k += 1 << steps

    return (x, y)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    m = eval(sys.argv[1])


import pytest
from problem import solve

_test_solve = (
        (1, (0, 1)),
        (2, (1, 1)),
        (3, (1, 0)),
        (4, (2, 0)),
        (5, (2, -1)),
        (6, (1, -1)),
        (7, (1, -2)),
        (8, (2, -2)),
        (9, (2, -3)),
        (10, (1, -3)),
        (11, (1, -2)),
        (12, (0, -2)),
        (13, (0, -3)),
        (14, (-1, -3)),
        (15, (-1, -4)),
        (16, (0, -4)),
        (17, (0, -5)),
        (18, (-1, -5)),
        (19, (-1, -4)),
        (20, (-2, -4)),
        (30, (-5, -3)),
        (40, (-6, -2)),
        (50, (-5, -1)),
        (100, (-6, 4)),
        (200, (-2, 10)),
        (500, (18,16)),
        (10**3, (34, -2)),
        (10**4, (-80, -36)),
        (10**5, (108, 156)),
        (10**6, (-104, -1008)),

@pytest.mark.parametrize('m,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(m, expect):
    assert expect == solve(m)


import turtle as t

class Turtle(t.Turtle):

    def __init__(self, *args, scale=15, draw=True, **kwargs):
        if draw:
            t.setup(width=.90, height=.90)
            super(Turtle, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.color = 0

        self.scale = scale
        self.steps = 0
        self.x = self.y = 0
        self.draw = draw
        self.facing = 0

    def position(self):
        return self.x, self.y

    def forward(self, f):
        self.steps += 1
        facing = self.heading()
        if facing == 0:
            self.y += 1
        elif facing == 90:
            self.x += 1
        elif facing == 180:
            self.y -= 1
            self.x -= 1

        if self.draw:
            self.color = (self.color + 10) % (16**6)
            color = '#'+hex(self.color)[2:].rjust(6, '0')
            super(Turtle, self).forward(f * self.scale)

    def right(self, r):
        self.facing = (self.facing + r) % 360
        if self.draw:
            super(Turtle, self).right(r)

    def left(self, l):
        self.facing = (self.facing - l) % 360
        if self.draw:
            super(Turtle, self).left(l)

    def heading(self):
        return self.facing

def D():
    word = 'R'
    while True:
        new_word = word
        yield from word.split()
        new_word += 'R'
        yield 'R'
        for c in word[::-1]:
            if c == 'R':
                new_word += 'L'
                yield 'L'
                new_word += 'R'
                yield 'R'
        word = new_word

def solve(m, draw=False):
    turtle = Turtle(scale=3, draw=draw)
    for c in D():
        if turtle.steps == m:
            return turtle.position()
        if c == 'R':
        elif c == 'L':

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    m = eval(sys.argv[1])
    print(solve(m, draw=True))