Another late night working on a problem. Fridays I always tell myself that I’ll go to bed on time, only to get deep into one of these problems! A part of me is almost sad that we’re nearing the tail end of this pandemic because it means I’ll have less time for math.
This problem wasn’t too complex. Just search through the rows starting two before and ending two after. Find primes and recurse through neighbor primes. If the neighbor group is 3 or more, add to the sums.
Other than figuring out the proper data structure for the triangle, the toughest part of this problem was determining the primality of these large numbers. I ended up using a sieve which only looks through the small range that are required.
Runs in about 24 seconds with Pypy3. I think I could get it faster figuring out a more suitable data structure for storing primes and the triangle. But, 24 seconds came in under the recommended 1 min, so I just let it be. Also, it’s 2:30am and I’m tired.
def memoize(fn):
_cache = {}
def wrap(n):
if n in _cache:
return _cache[n]
ret = fn(n)
_cache[n] = ret
return ret
return wrap
def triangle(n):
return n * (n + 1) // 2
def solve(n):
max_neighbor = triangle(n + 2)
min_neighbor = triangle(n - 3) + 1
top = int(triangle(n + 3) ** 0.5)
sieve = [False, False] + [True] * (top - 1)
big_composits = {}
for p, isprime in enumerate(sieve):
if not isprime:
num = p + p
while num <= top:
sieve[num] = False
num += p
num = min_neighbor // p * p
while num <= p:
num += p
while num <= max_neighbor:
big_composits[num] = True
num += p
def isprime(k):
return not big_composits.get(k)
def row_for(k):
row = n - 2
while k > triangle(row):
row += 1
return row
def neighbors_of(n):
r = row_for(n)
r_index = n - triangle(r - 1)
# three above
if n > triangle(r - 1) + 1:
yield triangle(r - 2) + r_index - 1
if n < triangle(r):
yield triangle(r - 2) + r_index
if n < triangle(r) - 1:
yield triangle(r - 2) + r_index + 1
# two next to
if n > triangle(r - 1) + 1:
yield n - 1
if n < triangle(r):
yield n + 1
# three below
if n > triangle(r - 1) + 1:
yield triangle(r) + r_index - 1
yield triangle(r) + r_index
yield triangle(r) + r_index + 1
def prime_neighbors(n):
neighs = [n]
visited[n] = True
for k in neighbors_of(n):
if not isprime(k) or k > max_neighbor or k < min_neighbor:
if not visited.get(k):
return neighs
start = triangle(n - 2) - n + 3
row_start = triangle(n) - n + 1
end = triangle(n + 2)
row_end = triangle(n)
visited = {}
total = 0
for k in range(start, end + 1):
if not isprime(k) or visited.get(k):
neighbors = prime_neighbors(k)
if len(neighbors) > 2:
for neighbor in neighbors:
if neighbor >= row_start and neighbor <= row_end:
total += neighbor
return total
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
n = eval(sys.argv[1])
m = eval(sys.argv[2])
import pytest
from problem import solve
_test_solve = (
(1, 0),
(2, 5),
(3, 5),
(4, 7),
(5, 24),
(6, 36),
(7, 23),
(8, 60),
(9, 37),
(10, 47),
(11, 120),
(12, 144),
(13, 172),
(14, 301),
(15, 0),
(16, 0),
(17, 300),
(18, 330),
(19, 533),
(20, 780),
(10**2, 9938),
(10**3, 3500211),
(10**4, 950007619),
(10**5, 549999566882),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n,expect', _test_solve)
def test_solve(n, expect):
assert expect == solve(n)