Problem 185

completed March 7, 2012


Genetic Algorithm. Took 76 seconds to run, but I think that was just a lucky chance.


from random import *

def crossover(a, b):
	a = str(a)
	b = str(b)
	cut = randrange(digitLen)
	return int(a[:cut] + b[cut:])

def mutation(a):
	a = str(a)
	while len(a) < digitLen:
		a = '0' + a
	aList = []
	for d in a:
	randindex = randrange(digitLen)
	aList[randindex] = str(randrange(10))
	return int(''.join(aList))

def exchange(a):
	a = str(a)
	while len(a) < digitLen:
		a = '0' + a
	aList = []
	for d in a:
	randindex1 = randrange(digitLen)
	randindex2 = randrange(digitLen)
	aList[randindex1], aList[randindex2] = aList[randindex2], aList[randindex1]
	return int(''.join(aList))

def fitness(n):
	n = str(n)
	while len(n) < digitLen:
		n = '0' + n
	fitLevel = 0
	for rule in guessList:
		correct = 0
		test = str(rule[0])
		for i in range(digitLen):
			if test[i] == n[i]:
				correct += 1
		if correct == rule[1]:
			fitLevel += 1
	return ruleLen - fitLevel

guessesTest = [(90342, 2), (70794, 0), (39458, 2), (34109, 1), (51545, 2), (12531, 1)]
guesses = [(5616185650518293, 2), (3847439647293047, 1), (5855462940810587, 3), (9742855507068353, 3), (4296849643607543, 3), (3174248439465858, 1), (4513559094146117, 2), (7890971548908067, 3), (8157356344118483, 1), (2615250744386899, 2), (8690095851526254, 3), (6375711915077050, 1), (6913859173121360, 1), (6442889055042768, 2), (2321386104303845, 0), (2326509471271448, 2), (5251583379644322, 2), (1748270476758276, 3), (4895722652190306, 1), (3041631117224635, 3), (1841236454324589, 3), (2659862637316867, 2)]

guessList = guesses
digitLen = len(str(guessList[0][0]))
ruleLen = len(guessList)

parent = [(ruleLen, randrange(10**digitLen)) for i in range(100)]

z = 0
while True:
	z += 1
	print z, parent[0], parent[-1]
	child = {parent[0]}
	for k in range(300):
		child1 = crossover(choice(parent)[1], choice(parent)[1])
		fitness1 = fitness(child1)
		child.add((fitness1, child1))
		child2 = mutation(choice(parent)[1])
		fitness2 = fitness(child2)
		child.add((fitness2, child2))
		child3 = exchange(choice(parent)[1])
		fitness3 = fitness(child3)
		child.add((fitness3, child3))		
	child = sorted(list(child))
	if child[0][0] == 0:
		print child[0][1]
		parent = child[:100]