Problem 134

completed April 25, 2012


The trick I used in this problem to get the runtime to 90sec is the use of a dictionary to store all possible values of any odd number times another odd number, both less than 1000. This told me what possible multipliers I would need for p2. Thus, with each loop, I increased each multiplier by 1000 from the previous round. This cut runtime down incredibly.


def isprime(n):
	if n == 2:
		return True
	elif n < 2 or n%2 == 0:
		return False
		for i in range(3, int(n**0.5 + 1), 2):
			if n%i == 0: return False
		return True

def nextprime(p):
	if p == 2:
		return 3
		while True:
			p += 2
			if isprime(p) == True:
				return p

def multfind(p1, p2):
	if p2 < 1000:
		return strconcfind(p1, p2)
	p1_last = int(str(p1)[-3:])
	p2_last = int(str(p2)[-3:])
	n_list = []
	for pair in multDict[p1_last]:
		if pair[0] == p2_last:
	while True:
		for n in n_list:
			test = n * p2
			if str(test)[-1 * len(p1):] == p1:
				return test
				n_list = [(n+1000) for n in n_list]

def strconcfind(p1, p2):
	n = 1
	while True:
		test = int(str(n) + p1)
		if test%p2 == 0:
			return test
			n += 1

def Build():
	global primes
	global multDict
	multDict = dict(zip(range(1000), [[] for i in range(1000)]))
	for a in xrange(1, 1000, 2):
		for b in xrange(1, 1000, 2):
	primes = []
	for n in xrange(7, 10**6):
		if isprime(n) == True:

p1 = '5'
total = 0
for p2 in primes:
	print p2
	S = multfind(p1, p2)
	total += S
	p1 = str(p2)

print total