Problem 131

completed January 21, 2012


Came across a problem with floating point numbers in this one. The usual way of raising a number to the 1/3rd power returned false for 64 (which is 4^3). I had to write a new function that actually tested it correctly.

The second thing that was a super big help was noticing that all the values of n that worked in the primes under 100 were cubes themselves. So, instead of running through every value of n, I just ran through cubic numbers.

Then, I saw that the values of n were always increasing for each larger prime. And what’s more, is that each was within between 1 and 20 bigger than the previous (These were for n when I was testing n^3). Pretty cool.


bound = 10**6

def isprime(n):
	if n < 2 or n%2 == 0: return False
	if n == 2: return True
	for i in range(3, int(n**0.5 + 1), 2):
		if n%i == 0: return False
	return True

def iscube(c):
	n = int(c**(1/3.0)) - 1
	while 1:
		if n**3 == c:
			return True
		elif n**3 > c:
			return False
			n += 1

primes = []
for n in range(bound):
	if isprime(n) == True:

count = 0
last = 1

for p in primes:
	for n in range(last, last+20):
		c = n**3
		this = c**3 + p*c**2
		if iscube(this) == True:
			count += 1
			last = n+1

print count