I used wikipedia to find the formula for a pyramidal number. This is the same thing as finding the sum of squares of integers from 1 to n.
Finding that formula on wikipedia is what made this problem so easy and run so fast. Instead of having to test every single number below 10^8, I was able to quickly produce all the values. Then I tested that they were palindromic.
def pal(n):
n = str(n)
for i in range(int(len(n)/2)):
if n[i] != n[-1-i]:
return False
return True
def pyr(n):
return (2*n**3 + 3*n**2 + n)/6
used = set()
bound = 10**8
bigger = 1
total = 0
while bigger <= bound**.5:
bigger += 1
if bigger%100 == 0: print bigger
for smaller in range(bigger-1):
this = pyr(bigger)-pyr(smaller)
if this < bound and pal(pyr(bigger)-pyr(smaller)) == True and this not in used:
total += this
print total