It took me a couple of tries to get this one. Instead of going bottom up, I went top down. I went through all numbers and all their powers, stopping at an upper limit of 10^15. But I knew that to add the digits in the base of these powers, the base must be at most 15*9. This made production of the number set really fast.
Then I checked all these numbers to see which of them fit the requirement, put those into another list, then found the 30th in the list.
Script ran in under a second!
def digadd(n):
n = str(n)
total = 0
for d in n:
total += int(d)
return total
trys = set()
bound = 15
b = 1
while True:
b += 1
p = 1
if b >= (bound+1)*9:
while True:
p += 1
this = b**p
if this < 10**bound:
trys.add((this, b))
a = []
while len(trys) > 0:
this = trys.pop()
if digadd(this[0]) == this[1]:
print sorted(a)[29]