Problem 110

completed January 23, 2012


This was a more difficult version of problem 108. But instead of just running through numbers one by one, I knew I had to be more strategic. I knew the number had to be the product of a lot of smaller primes. So I set up an algorithm to dig through all powers on all primes less than 50. That worked great.


from itertools import *
from time import time
start = time()

def isprime(n):
	if n == 2:
		return True
	elif n < 2 or n%2 == 0:
		return False
		for i in range(3, int(n**0.5 + 1), 2):
			if n%i == 0: return False
		return True

def nextprime(p):
	if p == 2:
		return 3
		while True:
			p += 2
			if isprime(p) == True:
				return p

def powerlist(n):
	ans = []
	p = 2
	while n > 1:
		i = 1
	 	while n%(p**i) == 0:
			i += 1
		if i > 1:
			n /= p**(i-1)
		p = nextprime(p)
	return ans

primes = []
for n in range(50):
	if isprime(n) == True:

tlast = 0
nlast = 63892555340714100
for t in product(range(4), repeat=15):
	if t[6] != tlast:
		tlast = t[6]
		print t
	n = 1
	for i in range(15):
		n *= primes[-1-i]**t[i]
	alist = powerlist(n)
	ans = 1
	for a in alist:
		ans *= (1 + 2*a)
	ans = (ans + 1)/2

	if ans > 4*10**6 and n < nlast:
		nlast = n
		print n